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Supporting MSB

Community is a highly valued and vital part of MSB. Families develop strong bonds with each other as their children work, play and grow together. Parents, teachers and staff share a lasting commitment to the principles and goals of an exceptional education for their children.

Our collective MSB community also shares the responsibility for maintaining the excellence of our programs. As an independent school, MSB relies on generous contributions to meet its operating budget and fund strategic initiatives. It is imperative that we maintain ongoing support from parents, faculty, staff, grandparents, former families and alumni. Collectively we are MSB and together we endeavor to uphold its mission and strive to fulfill its vision.

Clearly, supporting your child’s education, and investing in their future, is a priority for your family. We invite you to find ways to fulfill this promise and become actively involved in our community. We encourage you to demonstrate the value you place on your child’s education, as well as future generations, through monetary support or volunteering your time.

Annual Appeal

Annual Auction
